Sound Engagement
Sound Engagement
The Danger of Coddling the Mind with Greg Lukianoff

The Danger of Coddling the Mind with Greg Lukianoff

Many of you following Sound Engagement have probably heard of Greg Lukianoff because of the success of the book he co-authored with Jonathan Haidt, The Coddling of the American Mind. In this episode, we divided our conversation into three parts based upon the three Great Untruths that explain how we got to our current cultural crisis.

  1. The Untruth of Fragility: What doesn’t kill you makes you weaker.

  2. The Untruth of Emotional Reasoning: Always trust your feelings.

  3. The Untruth of Us Versus Them: Life is a battle between good people and evil people.

Find Greg Lukianoff on Twitter @glukianoff

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)

Sound Engagement
Sound Engagement
Do you have questions about current cultural issues that you want to ask, but you are too afraid of the consequences of asking them? How do we engage in conversation about sensitive subjects without polarizing ourselves from everyone else?
Sound Engagement is a conversation where it is safe to question both the status quo as well as the proposed changes. Is it permissible to call for systemic reform without demolition? Can we learn from our history without whitewashing the whole timeline as corrupt?
Sound Engagement is hosted by Peter Anderson and Brad Mills. Peter is a licensed marriage and family therapist. Peter’s life experiences sent him on a journey to understand the nature of grief. He was drawn to seminary where he grew interested in counseling to help those around him address their relationship issues, their grief, and their loneliness.
Brad is a pastor who is concerned that many modern Christians are unwittingly motivated by secular ideologies more than they are biblical principles.
Our main desire is to take controversial topics and delve into their complexity. Asking questions and seeking answers has never been easy. Sound Engagement wants to offer its listeners the ability to hear multiple sides.